Legacy Electronics Corp
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We buy used medical equipment.

Contact steve@2keane.com if you have any used medical equipment for sale. Cash for used. 

Baxter Spectrum IQ Infusion Pumps

Baxter AS50 Syringe Pumps

B Braun Perfusor Syringe Pumps with Charger and Pole Mount
B Braun Infusomat Infusion Pumps with Charger and Pole Mount

Drager VN500 Ventilators
Hospira Plum 360 Infusion Pumps

Medfusion 3500 Syringe Pumps with 5.0 Software, Pole Mount, and Power Cord. 

Medfusion 4000 Syringe Pumps with Pole Mount and Power Cord
Alaris 8110 Syringe Pump Modules

Kendall 700 Series SCD’s with Tubing

Maquet Servo U Ventilators

Masimo Rad 8 Pulse Ox

Resmed Astral 150 Ventilators